Posts tagged senior fitness
Pilates with my Dad

Earlier this year my Dad came for a visit and he stayed with me about an eight days. My usual routine is to workout in the morning before going to the studio. The first morning my Dad was with me I was on the reformer in my office while my Dad was making his coffee and checking emails. He began making cracks about the ‘heavy breathing’ (my Pilates breath!) coming from the office. My Dad is a jokester!

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Remembering My Why

I’ve talked about your why before - the reason you choose to do Pilates. It is different for just about everyone. For some it’s about toning up. For others it’s about bone health and building strength. For some it’s an hour of de-stressing and coping. And for others it’s rehab. Whatever your why, I am glad you are choosing to Shine with me and with Shine Pilates.

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I’ve been watching a series on Hulu that I’ve been really enjoying. I look forward to the next episode. I find myself, however, at times also trying to do other things on my phone and then missing a chunk of the show. I either have to rewind and rewatch the show or just try to figure out what I missed. I’m not focusing enough on the show to be enjoying it like I could.

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Happy Feet

Did you know your feet have more bones than any other part of your body …and also more nerve endings? Most of us don’t spend much time thinking about our feet …until they start to hurt. We spend our days with our feet crammed in shoes not able to move or bend or flex. Feet crave movement, too!

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Many have asked me why I wanted to move to Arizona. There are many reasons including the sunshine, the hiking, and the mountain. I think one of the main draws for me, however, is the healthy attitude I have experienced in Arizona. If this is the only place you have lived you may not understand this. If you have transplanted from another area … maybe like me you have experienced different attitudes in different cities.

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First Step

The other day I went to climb the Victory Stairs in Verrado. It’s 300 plus stairs into the side of a mountain. When you are standing at the bottom it can look very foreboding! It’s a lot of stairs! In reality it took me less than 10 minutes to climb those stairs. And looking down from the top … it sure looked a lot less intimidating. I am not going to say it was a piece of cake but it was less challenging than I had made it out to be in my mind!

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I'm Not Very Good at ...

Lately, I’ve caught myself a couple times saying, “I’m not very good at decorating” or some similar statement. I’m having a house built and with that comes … a lot of decorating! it’s not going to be done for a about a year so I have plenty of time. Still, I am feeling pressure … pressure I put on myself that is to have the house designed and figured out already. I’ve felt a bit overwhelmed by the prospect of doing a whole house.

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