Posts tagged arizona pilates
Pilates with my Dad

Earlier this year my Dad came for a visit and he stayed with me about an eight days. My usual routine is to workout in the morning before going to the studio. The first morning my Dad was with me I was on the reformer in my office while my Dad was making his coffee and checking emails. He began making cracks about the ‘heavy breathing’ (my Pilates breath!) coming from the office. My Dad is a jokester!

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I just returned from a Pilates Summit in Austin, TX this afternoon. It was a full and fabulous weekend - more on that in a future blog! Now that I am home - it would be really easy to relax, watch some tv and recoup.;

Instead, I stopped by the grocery store on the way home to get some healthy food to prep for this week. It was a quick trip - and I picked up some broccoli, greens and chicken. We ate. some fabulous meals and indulged a bit in Texas so now I want to start my week eating clean and healthy.

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Feeling 2022

As we round out another year - it’s a great time to reflect on the past year and plan for the future year. Whether you make resolutions or not, with some time off for the holidays it’s conducive to contemplating!

Resolutions for me are often smaller and more of a to-do list and to finish list. The new year is like a fresh page in a new notebook - ready to be filled out. Not every page needs to be brilliant but the combined contents makes it all worthwhile.

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Don't Listen

This weekend I did a 3 mile race at the World Wilderness Zoo. I used to race several times a year. Thanks to Covid and races being canceled, it’s been almost 2 years since I have competed. I have been competing in races since I was in the 7th grade and it is something I enjoy. Even so the day before the race, the little voice in my head started coming up with reasons I should just skip it!

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Personalized not Modified

One of the best parts of my career and my studio is the ability I have and Shine Pilates has to help students who may not have been served well in other places. What do I mean by that? We see students with injuries from other athletic endeavors. We see students with different body circumstances such as diastasis recti or scolilois. We see students who haven’t worked out in a long time or maybe ever! Regardless of how you come to Shine Pilates - we are committed to helping you Shine!

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All the Feels!

In one day I’ll be taking ownership at Pure Physique PilateZ in Surprise, AZ. The space is beautiful, the equipment is fabulous and from what I’ve seen so far the clients are my kind of people, too. I hit if off with the former owner right away and it’s been a pleasure going through this process with her. I have so much respect for what she has created - I know how much work goes into building and running a studio! As this hand off approaches - I am feeling all the things.

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Pursue your dreams ... it's not too late!

2020 was a year to take stock and assess, With the weirdness of having my studio closed for two and half months and then slowly regrowing to now booming again, it’s been a year to really reassess for me and maybe for you, too!

I’ve realized many things during the past year. I reaffirmed my love of teaching Pilates when the studio was closed.

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