Personalized not Modified

One of the best parts of my career and my studio is the ability I have and Shine Pilates has to help students who may not have been served well in other places. What do I mean by that? We see students with injuries from other athletic endeavors. We see students with different body circumstances such as diastasis recti or scolilois. We see students who haven’t worked out in a long time or maybe ever! Regardless of how you come to Shine Pilates - we are committed to helping you Shine!

The beauty of Pilates is that it works for just about any body. The movements can be adapted, modified and personalized. That’s a special distinction. We aren’t asking you to sit out the part you can’t do - we are personalizing your workout. We are giving you what you are ready for and increasing the challenge when the time is right.

The other day I was playing on the Pilates equipment between students. I like to try out combinations and play with various movements that feel good for me or I feel I need. I often don’t have a plan and that is where my best ideas can come from … just moving as it feels right and trying what feels good! I was doing a roll down combo and at the end I lifted up into a teaser. I was reminded this was a movement that eluded me for a long time! It felt good to have success. It’s because I did the work, did the modifications and kept at it that I could be successful.

I share this because we should not think of modifications as ‘less than’ or ‘weak’. They are simply what our body needs at this time and that may change over time. I much prefer to think of it as personalizing the work for me or you! It’s respecting where our body is today and working from that place! Embrace the personalization and watch your abilities grow over time!