Posts tagged west valley pilates
Clearing Out

I’m in the process of having a house built and with that comes an evaluation of the furniture and belongings I have now and what will be appropriate for the new house. Some things I’ll keep. Some things I need to buy, and other things I just need to clear out. I tend to be a nostalgic and sentimental person. When I go on vacations I’d much rather have memories, pictures, maybe an olive oil that I loved, or a piece of clothing or jewelry that is unique. I’m not a collector of knickknacks. I like items or memories that linger in my mind as well.

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Slow Down

I’m a type A personality and this has served me well in many ways. My drive and goal oriented nature has kept me pushing to succeed despite obstacles along the way. I am doer and I tend to take on a lot. I enjoy being busy and accomplishing new things. I love checking items off my to-do list. But there is also a down side to being type A. I have a hard time slowing down and taking a break. Running my body at high speed and under stress is a recipe for a bad sleep, weekend immune system and a crash in energy.

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Happy Feet

Did you know your feet have more bones than any other part of your body …and also more nerve endings? Most of us don’t spend much time thinking about our feet …until they start to hurt. We spend our days with our feet crammed in shoes not able to move or bend or flex. Feet crave movement, too!

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Building Success

I had an interesting conversation yesterday with a couple fellow entrepreneurs. They have had their business for quite a while but built it from the ground up. I did the same in Nashville and in Lexington with my studios. It’s a lot for work and requires discipline, hope, and consistency even when the path may not be smooth.

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I'm Not Very Good at ...

Lately, I’ve caught myself a couple times saying, “I’m not very good at decorating” or some similar statement. I’m having a house built and with that comes … a lot of decorating! it’s not going to be done for a about a year so I have plenty of time. Still, I am feeling pressure … pressure I put on myself that is to have the house designed and figured out already. I’ve felt a bit overwhelmed by the prospect of doing a whole house.

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Use Your Smart Muscles!

We know we need to keep moving to keep healthy and fit. We also should know by now we need to use our muscles regularly.. You can’t build them and be done with it. Use it or lose it is more accurate to say! You may work harder in the beginning to get fit and then can taper back a bit to stay fit, but you can’t just quit when you get there. Muscles are meant to be moved and used.

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