Posts in health

Those that know me through Surprise Pilates, have probably picked up on the fact that I like to eat healthy. I also like to cook and I share recipes I love in our Surprise Pilates Newsletter. Eating healthy is important to me.

What might surprise you is my version of a healthy diet when I was working full time in advertising and marketing about 15 years ago consisted mainly of Lean Cuisine, frozen vegetables, and a lot of canned soups.

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Unpopular Opinion

It’s a new year and with that comes the discussion of New Year’s Resolutions. ately I have noticed it is popular for those in the health and fitness realm to talk about why they don’t support the idea of resolutions. I see many posts and blogs along the lines of “Why I’ll never do New Years Resolutions and why you shouldn’t either!” That’s a pretty a definitive statement isn’t it!

Well, I am over here with the unpopular opinion that I actually like New Years Resolutions!

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I believe I am a fairly dependable person. I try to always do what I tell you I am going to do. I don’t like to let people down. I am rarely late. I pride myself on being responsible and reliable. I realized, however, there is one person I have been letting down. There is one person I have not been keeping my commitments with.

This person gets the excuses of too busy, too tired, I’ll do it another day, and so on. This person is ME!

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The other day I went to a concert and bought a bottle of Dasani Water. It was $8.75! I remember when it seemed ridiculous to pay $4 for the same water. It’s no secret that prices have gone up in a lot of places due to inflation. There are some items we just need - like water when you are thirsty. We have to bite the bullet and pay the higher price in these instances.

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Now and Later

It’s awfully hot in Arizona this time of year. It doesn't cool off much at night either and that has made it more challenging for me to run outdoors. I could get up even earlier but it still often already in the 90’s.

it would be very easy to say I’m taking the Summer off and I’ll resume later when it’s cooler.

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Happy Feet

Did you know your feet have more bones than any other part of your body …and also more nerve endings? Most of us don’t spend much time thinking about our feet …until they start to hurt. We spend our days with our feet crammed in shoes not able to move or bend or flex. Feet crave movement, too!

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