Moving Pains

As many of you know I recently moved into my new home! It's been an exciting and busy time! Last week I spent my free time hauling car load after car load of my belongings to the new house.

By Saturday morning my back was aching from a week of heavy lifting. My body was saying let's lay on the couch and rest. Instead I was able to squeeze into TJ's 9:30 am class. It was just what I needed and she taught a wonderful, fun class. As a Pilates instructor - I know Pilates is magic! That hour of rebalancing my muscles and stretching and engaging my core left me feeling so much better. I was so glad I didn't lay around because I really doubt that would have done the trick.

On Sunday some of our fabulous students helped with moving my furniture. We had an impressive crew who worked hard and knocked it out in just two hours. It was another day of heavy lifting. By the evening my back was once again achy. This time I didn't hesitate to do a little Pilates in my home. The relief was almost instant. I went to bed feeling much better.

I share this with you because we all have instances when we use our bodies in a different way and create some strain. Whether it's gardening, hiking, sports or moving furniture, Pilates can provide the relief we are seeking. Recreating that balance in our bodies is key. Our back muscles can be in a tug of war with the abdominal muscles until we teach them to work together with Pilates.

If you aren't sure if Pilates could help don't hesitate to reach out to me. I'll give you my honest opinion and work to get you feeling better if we decide it's safe for you to come to Pilates.