Now and Later

It’s awfully hot in Arizona this time of year. It doesn't cool off much at night either and that has made it more challenging for me to run outdoors. I could get up even earlier but it still often already in the 90’s.

It would be very easy to say I’m taking the Summer off. I’ll resume later when it’s cooler. The reality I know is when the weather is better if I haven’t run in several months, I won’t be in running shape. Once I let my cardio go, when I return it will be uncomfortable and unpleasant getting back in to running. While the weather will be right - I won’t be right later if I don’t continue now.

So what is one to do? I continue to run but I make my runs shorter. I have resorted to running on a treadmill some. I really don’t enjoy the treadmill but it’s a means to a goal.

I know many of you have busy summers and travel and such. I encourage you to continue to squeeze in your Pilates workouts. I’ve had several students come back after vacations and tell me it’s rough coming back after taking time off. I encourage you to vacation, enjoy life, but don’t throw your hardwork out the window at the same time. Be active on your vacation - walk, bike, do some stretching in the morning. And then get back to it when you return!

It takes time to create a new habit like a Pilates routine. Unfortunately it does not take nearly as long to undue a habit. Hold yourself accountable or get a friend or relative to join you in your accountability. It will pay off when you do go on that vacation and decide to hike a mountain, bike the countryside or walk all over a new city. Your body will be ready for the adventure. The time you put in now will reward you later, too!