Posts tagged surprise
Happy Feet

Did you know your feet have more bones than any other part of your body …and also more nerve endings? Most of us don’t spend much time thinking about our feet …until they start to hurt. We spend our days with our feet crammed in shoes not able to move or bend or flex. Feet crave movement, too!

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Many have asked me why I wanted to move to Arizona. There are many reasons including the sunshine, the hiking, and the mountain. I think one of the main draws for me, however, is the healthy attitude I have experienced in Arizona. If this is the only place you have lived you may not understand this. If you have transplanted from another area … maybe like me you have experienced different attitudes in different cities.

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Thanksgiving was last week and I have so much to be thankful for! I moved to Arizona about 8 months ago and the time has really flown by! It dawned on me that I was in Arizona last Thanksiving for a solo trip and get away … when I decide it was time to get serious about moving here. Never in my wildest dreams did I imagine one year later I would be an Arizona resident and business owner.

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The other day I was dealing with something stressful that was weighing heavy on my mind. What it is is not relevant and it’s been resolved but we all can have mood affecting, stressful times in our lives. Whether it’s a relationship issue, health issue or work issue, It’s hard to shut that off and focus on what you are doing.

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Why Teacher Training?

I was a spinning instructor for several years before I became certified in Pilates. To get certified in Spinning you go for a full day and learn all about the bike, teaching, class design and more. You spin about three times in that 12 hour day. It’s a lot but you leave feeling excited and empowered to teach spinning! I expected when I started researching Pilates certifications it would be similar. Boy was I wrong! It was so so much more!

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