Posts tagged surpriseaz

Like most of you - I have high expectations for myself. I want to succeed and achieve my goals. This can be a great quality when it comes to working hard, following a plan, and succeeding in life. It is also something that needs to be kept in check when learning something new. It’s not realistic to try something new and be a pro!

That is where our expectations don't match reality.

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First Step

The other day I went to climb the Victory Stairs in Verrado. It’s 300 plus stairs into the side of a mountain. When you are standing at the bottom it can look very foreboding! It’s a lot of stairs! In reality it took me less than 10 minutes to climb those stairs. And looking down from the top … it sure looked a lot less intimidating. I am not going to say it was a piece of cake but it was less challenging than I had made it out to be in my mind!

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The other day I was dealing with something stressful that was weighing heavy on my mind. What it is is not relevant and it’s been resolved but we all can have mood affecting, stressful times in our lives. Whether it’s a relationship issue, health issue or work issue, It’s hard to shut that off and focus on what you are doing.

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