First Step

The other day I went to climb the Victory Stairs in Verrado. It’s 300 plus stairs into the side of a mountain. When you are standing at the bottom it can look very foreboding! It’s a lot of stairs! In reality it took me less than 10 minutes to climb those stairs. And looking down from the top … it sure looked a lot less intimidating. I am not going to say it was a piece of cake but it was less challenging than I had made it out to be in my mind!

I believe this is similar to many challenges we face. When we look at where we want to be it can seem challenging or even impossible. We may even delay starting or make excuses because the end seems too far or too hard to get to. The reality is we just need to take one step at a time.

It may be hard but it also may not be as hard as you expect. It may take a long time but maybe not as long as you thought. The only way to know is with that first step.

I often have new students ask me ‘How long until I see results?’ Joseph Pilates felt in 10 sessions you’d feel different, in twenty you’d see changes, and in thirty you’d have a whole new body! I would say it depends on what you are trying to accomplish! If you want to alleviate back pain - sometimes that happens in just a few sessions. If you have a lot of weight to lose, it may take a little longer to safely get there. If you are looking to strength or tone - you may notice differences rather quickly. No matter what your goal - you won’t get there until you start your climb!