
Like most of you - I have high expectations for myself. I want to succeed and achieve my goals. This can be a great quality when it comes to working hard, following a plan, and succeeding in life. It is also something that needs to be kept in check when learning something new. It’s not realistic to try something new and be a pro!

That is where our expectations don't match reality.

Have you ever watched someone doing something and in your mind it seems simple. You can almost picture yourself doing it. Then you try and fail. This has happened to me many times with Pilates moves i’ve seen in a video. What you can’t see in that video is the effort that went into getting to that point. Rarely does success come in a day or a first try! With effort and continued work I can get it and succeed.

I have a student who is in your early eighties. She’s new to Pilates and has made great progress in the last few months that we have been working together. It is a joy watching her get stronger and gain a confidence that was missing. The other day I had her try a new movement. It was one I knew would be a challenge for her but also a movement I felt we should work on. On her first attempt she had some success but not total success. I was pleased with how well she did. She was not! She told me, “I’m dissapointed in myself for not being able to do that better.” Here is again is where our expectations are getting in the way. I reminded her this was her first attempt and Pilates is all about progressing. I also like to let me students know if they could do it right the first time - I’d be unemployed ;-) We’ll keep working on this movement and I am confident she will master it!

I share this today to remind you not to let your expectations weigh you down and take away from your progress. it’s wonderful to have goals and to work towards them. Expect there will be some hurdles and expect you can succeed but don’t let unrealistic expectations hold you back or take your joy away!