
A few weeks ago I was dealing with something stressful that was weighing heavy on my mind. What it is is not relevant but we all can have mood affecting, stressful times in our lives. Whether it’s a relationship issue, health issue or work issue, It’s hard to shut that off and be present with what you are doing.

That Monday I made the decision I was going to have a good week. I love what I do but I don’t like unnecessary drama weighing on me while I am trying to teach. I needed to make that decision and change my mindset. I needed to say it out loud, too. “I am going to have a good week”.

One of my students asked me some questions and attempted to bring drama up … she meant no harm and I am sure it came from a place of concern and support. However, I had to tell her I was having a good day and wanted to keep it that way so I would not be discussing anything negative. I had to set a boundary that was healthy for me.

Believe it or not it worked and I did have a good day. I did enjoy what I was doing again.

And this weekend I embraced the opportunities I had to run, hike, and go country dancing.. I kept my good mindset and had a good weekend.

Mindset is something we can control when we feel like we can not control other elements in our life. Changing your mindset can change how you experience the day or week or even year. I did not turn my back on my issues but I also did not let them control all of my time. I did not give them power over my happiness.

Sitting in worry, fear, or bad feelings only accomplishes one thing … bringing you down! I know it’s hard to compartmentalize but we could take a lesson from men who do a much better job of this!

I encourage you to try changing your mindset next time you find yourself in a negative place. Put that aside - enjoy Pilates, go for a walk, see a friend, read a book … the worry can wait!