Building Success

I had an interesting conversation yesterday with a couple fellow entrepreneurs. They have had their business for quite a while but built it from the ground up. I did the same in Nashville and in Lexington with my studios. It’s a lot of work and requires discipline, hope, and consistency even when the path may not be smooth.

We discussed the fact that we have both been approached in the past by others wanting to have what we built or do what we were doing. They want the end result … not all the work that leads to it! In Nashville in particular, I used to get calls from others who wanted me to share all my secrets and give them a road map to replicating my success. I actually don’t mind offering advice to others who want a career in Pilates and one of the first pieces of advice I offer is “It’s not a great rich quick scenario”.

I can pretty much tell by the questions asked and attitude if the person will be a success or not. It comes back that discipline, hope, and consistency.

The more I thought about it, the more I realized this is not much different than a new student showing up at the studio wanting results. They need the same discipline, hope, and consistency.

Whether you are building a business or building a better body … it won’t happen in a day or a couple days a month. Being consistent in your endeavor will lead you to results. Showing up even on the days when you’d rather sleep in or go to happy hour is the discipline it takes to get results. I’ve always felt it doesn’t have to be Pilates or fun … it can be Pilates then fun after. And let’s be honest Pilates is fun, too!

I also believe there is a certain amount of hope required to stick to a goal. We have to want the result enough to stick to it, to be disciplined, to keep a consistent schedule, and to put in the work when the result seems far off.

I wanted to share this with you because I believe far too often we show up on day one and want the results of someone who has been doing Pilates for years. Yes you can have those results with discipline, with consistency, and with hope. It takes time to build your success so give yourself time. Enjoy the process and celebrate the small victories along the way like a true entrepreneur does! You will build your success with discipline, hope, and consistency!