Posts tagged flexibility
For a Reason!

Through my Pilates studies and training, I have had the opportunity to meet and work with many wonderful teachers and mentors. About six years ago I began following one particular Instructor and really gravitated to his approach to Pilates. I did an online workshop he offered. He came across as kind, knowledgeable, and compassionate. His style and mine when it came to designing a class were in sync.

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Gaining Knowledge Through Consistency

Consistency has a lot to do with Pilates, just as it does with practically anything else. If you want your body to learn something new then you have to be consistent with it. The muscles you work during Pilates need to be trained in order to become more flexible and balanced. After taking your first class, you should immediately sign up for your next one!

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Pilates Myths Debunked!

I hear lots questions and uncertainty about Pilates from folks who have never tried it and aren't quite sure what Pilates is. Truth be told, it can be hard to put into words all the magic that Pilates is! So today, I thought I'd take a moment to clear up some of the myths and untruths stopping YOU from trying Pilates!

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