Gaining Knowledge Through Consistency

I had just booked my second class with Lucie a couple of days prior when I thought to myself, I don’t remember a thing from the first class. Am I going to be able to do this again or will I just make a fool out of myself? I started to get nervous thinking about how out of shape I am and inflexible my body is.

When I arrived at the class, my nerves disappeared. A lot of what I learned from my first class came flooding back to me and I remembered many of the exercises we did. This time around, I was better able to imagine the muscles I was working and realize how much stronger they were from the last class. The different exercises we did make more sense to me now because I know what they are doing for my body.

There is a certain type of lingo in Pilates that is hard to understand at first, but once you continue taking classes you can get it down pretty quickly. Two terms that I have noticed Lucie use quite a bit are “tabletop” and “C-curve”. Both of these are different body positions on the reformer that we place ourselves in when doing certain exercises. “Tabletop” is when you are laying down on your back and lift one of your legs up, but make a straight bend at the knee so your calf and foot are parallel with the rest of your body. “C-curve” is almost like doing a half sit-up, so your body is in the shape of a C.

What I really like about taking classes with Lucie is the way she describes the exercises. She depicts an image so when doing the exercises, you are able to imagine yourself “painting a single brush stroke” continuously up and down or holding together your legs or feet so your “winning lottery ticket” doesn’t slip away. It helps you to get more involved in the exercises we do.

Consistency in Pilates plays a big role because the more you work these muscles the better you will feel and the more flexible your body will get. It also helps with understanding the language of Pilates and being able to feel what you are working within your body. It is a great way to keep strengthening your muscles throughout your entire life, no matter what age you are.

xoxo, Savanna