Seeking New!

Let’s face it - a lot of things we were looking forward to have been canceled. Trips, concerts, Keeneland (attending), large holiday parties, and so on - canceled. As much as we can know and appreciate the reasons why - it doesn’t make it any easier!

Now that the studio has been open for about a month and we are getting into a rhythm again, I have started thinking about what I want for myself this Summer. I function best when I have items on my calendar, trips to look forward to, and something I am working towards. The prospect of a Summer of going through the motions does not sit well with me. I decided with some creativity and a willingness to step out of my comfort zone, I could make July a month of NEW!

What does that mean? It means each day I will seek to have a new experience. Some will be small and others will be bigger. I will challenge myself to spend a month exploring, trying, and experiencing new. I don’t have a plan for the month but I do have a few things I’ve been wanting to do. The rest I’ll have to figure out as I go.

So far July has looked like this for me:

July 1 - Cooking Class with Beth Kronenberg at KitchenShift. What a great experience! My girlfriends and I learned a lot and had so much fun, too! This was something I had been wanting to do for about a year, and I finally made it happen.

July 2 - I ran a new path. I get stuck in my routes so it was fun to try a few new streets and mix it up!

July 3 - I tried out a new place - Whiskey Bear in the Summit. I had never been there before and it was a pleasant experience. I’d go back

July 4 - I attended a luncheon with a lovely group of ladies. Not only did I meet some new folk. It was fun to get out of my yoga pants and dress cute for a change!

July 5 - Volleyed tennis balls at Woodland Park. I can’t tell you how many times I have driven by and thought I should do this. I had fun - I wasn’t great but that didn’t matter!

July 6 - Took an online Pilates workshop my girlfriend created. I just love her approach and creative use of imagery. I had this on my list of things to do … and with no new options for today - this moved to the top of the list.

July 7 - Went to a movie at the Lexington Theatre! I can’t believe it’s taken me this long to check out this theatre - what a fun time.

I will continue to update you as the month goes on and I hope this inspires you to try some new things locally! I also hope you see most of these items don’t really cost much and some are absolutely free! I’m finding my experiences rewarding and I’m only one week in :)