Finding Motivation

I enjoy working out. I love Pilates. I love running. But some days I just don’t feel like it! Not every day do I bounce out of bed and feel like moving. Most days I do but occasionally I’m tired, burned out, stressed or just plain lacking motivation. Here are my go to motivators for those days:

  1. Set a goal. I recently signed on to do a 10 day Pilates challenge. I committed to 10 straight days of following a Pilates program. Having that goal kept me moving even on a couple days when I didn’t really feel like it. I also like to sign up for races. Knowing I have an upcoming race, gets me out the door to run on hot, humid summers days or even these rainy days when it would be easy to pass.

  2. Find friends. I often hear from my Pilates students that they look forward to coming to Pilates to catch up with their Pilates friends and me! Adding a social aspect to fitness makes it motivating and something to look forward to. No one wants to cancel on a friend, either.

  3. Compromise. When the thought of a full Pilates workout or a long run seems like too much – I compromise. I listen to my body and make a smaller goal – 20 minutes of Pilates or 3 miles of running. That seems more manageable. And guess what … I almost always exceed my new smaller goal! Getting started is the hard part and I find once I am moving I start enjoying it.

  4. Wear your favorites. It feels good to wear new or fun or favorite workout clothes. I pull out my best items when I need motivation. As silly as it may sound, I don’t want to let my good clothes down with a poor workout!

  5. Accountability Partner. Tell someone what you want to accomplish. Have them hold you accountable. I have a deal with my friend John who lives several states away. He knows what I am training for and if he doesn’t get at text from me reporting in after my long runs – he texts me. I’ve also been challenged by other Pilates instructors on Instagram to complete a movement series and post it. That holds me accountable to at least try and get moving!

  6. Remember the why! When all else fails I remind myself why I am working out. With running in the hit summer, my why is to be ready and strong for the fall when the weather changes and running is so enjoyable. With Pilates I want to be strong and a good example for my students. I have my own Pilates goals that I am working towards, too.

Just remember – even Pilates teachers have off days. Sometimes it means we need a day off. Other times, we just need a little motivation! Listen to your body. Take an assessment of what you have accomplished recently and what your goals are before you throw in the towel. An off day can become an ‘on’ day if you just take that first step into the studio!

Happy workout my Pilates friends!