More Training??

This past weekend I had the opportunity to participate in a Pilates Suspension Method Retreat. Overf the course of 3 days we laarned more than 200 Pilates Suspension moves on the suspension apparatus with Rebecca Beckler. She is wonderful and a wealth of knowledge.I highly recommend you follow her and train with her if you get the chance. We spent about 8 hours a day moving our bodies, challenging our minds. laughing, learning and growing. I loved every minute of it! This was actually my Christmas present to myself attending this retreat.

Some may ask why I keep going to training when I am already a certified Pilates Teacher and I have previously completed a suspension training certification as well. There are many reasons

I truly believe it is important to keep growing and learning. In the years since I became certified there have been developments, discovers, and even changes in what is recommended and what is not. It is my goal always to provide a safe and effective session so I need to know the latest information to make sure I am doing just that.

I also know I am a better teacher when I am inspired and challenged myself. I never want to feel in a rut with my teaching. In the past, I always made my Pilates pilgrimage to the PMA conference with about 1000 other Pilates professional to learn and grow and get inspired. Covid put an end to these and I’ve realized how much I’ve been missing my community and my chance to be a student. This weekend filled my Pilates tank and sent me home with so many things I just can’t wait to practice and share.

As a professional, I also believe it is imperative to keep up on continuing education. As students you make a commitment to me and this is my end of that commitment. So many other professions require continuing education as well. I would not go to a dentist, chiropractor,r or tax accountant who decided to skip this year’s continuing education. In my studio in Kentucky I had my certifications displayed. I am wondering if maybe that should be the case here so you know what you are getting and don’t have to question my credentials.

Probably the final reason I continue to seek out Pilates training is because I really enjoy it and enjoy meeting other like minded people. I consider myself fortunate to truly enjoy my continuing education. How many other professionals treat CE like a vacation??