Posts tagged pilates and running
Getting Back Up

This past Saturday, I ran an evening trail race at the White Tanks Mountains. The race began at 8pm well after the sun had gone down. This required the use a of headlamp to be able to see the trail. I tested mine out earlier in the day and it seemed to be working just fine. Once it was dark out however, I realized my headlamp while working was not very bright. I probably should have replaced the batteries.

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Fitness Seasons

This morning I went for a long run. It was cool, crisp, and picturesque with the Fall colors beginning to show. I felt strong, energized, and capable. I was reminded of why I love running! Not every run is like that ... and it was only a few days ago I was dragging along in the heat and humidity.

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I Did a Thing!

I did a thing last Thursday. And it scared me a bit. I almost backed out. All things leading up to the thing seemed to point to ‘throw in the towel and go home!” But I did the thing and I’m so glad I did! it! I stepped out of my comfort zone and the thing exceeded my expectations!

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