Getting Back Up

This past Saturday, I ran an evening trail race at the White Tanks Mountains. The race began at 8pm well after the sun had gone down. This required the use a of headlamp to be able to see the trail. I tested mine out earlier in the day and it seemed to be working just fine. Once it was dark out, however, I realized my headlamp while working was not very bright. I probably should have replaced the batteries.

About a half mile into my 3.7 mile race, I caught my foot on a rock and pitched forward smacking the ground hard. It happened so fast I was somewhat stunned to be laying on my stomach on the ground. Another runner stopped to make sure I was okay … and my pride would have said I was fine even if I wasn’t!

Tears came to my eyes and I seriously considered dropping out and walking back to my car. All of the excitement and hope I felt for the race were replaced with fear and disappointment. I had carpooled to the race with a friend and realized I’d be sticking around either way so I decided to plug along. My next mile was slow and cautious and even included some walking in tricky areas. By a little over the halfway point I begin to feel a bit more comfortable and confident. Within the last mile I began picking up my pace and passing people. I was able to finish strong all be it a bit bloody!

I am sharing this with you because I believe we are often faced with moments not going how we hoped and wanting to throw in the towel. It takes a lot more guts to get back up and stay the course!

I see this sometimes in the studio - a new student has an idea of how they think Pilates will go and they are surprised by how challenging it can be. We often find those little muscles that have been left unused for a while! It can take some time to feel confident and to feel strong … but the only way to get there is to keep showing up.

I had a new student recently who admitted after her first session she went home and cried. I felt awful hearing that because I thought she had done well for a new student! I am so glad she showed up again! We can’t expect to perform like a seasoned Pilates student in the beginning. It’s important to give ourselves some grace and allow our body to learn and to keep showing up.

I also appreciate that she was honest and shared her feedback. This lets me know that we need to build her strength and her confidence with Pilates. As a teacher, I want to know if you were too sore - we’ll adjust accordingly. I want to know how you are feeling about your progress so I can share how I see it. I often see the progress you may not have noticed you are making!

I hope next time you stumble you’ll dust yourself off and keep trying. It’s the only way to succeed!