The Gift of Movement

In the last 24 hours I’ve received startling news about two of my friends and college sorority sisters living in Lexington, Last night I received a text from another Lexington friend wanting to make sure I had heard the tragic news about our friend’s son. He’s a junior at the same college we went to, on the lacrosse team, and a good kid. Over the weekend while on a lacrosse trip he dove into the shallow end of the pool and broke his neck at the C4 vertebrae. He needs a miracle.

I was still wrestling with this devastating news this morning when I saw another friend and sorority sister in Lexington is having surgery on her C4-C3 vertebra because of a tumor. She is a vibrant and active beautiful woman and there is so much uncertainty with the surgery.

I had the morning off and I went to the trails at Whiite Tank to run. Running is where I do my best thinking and is therapeutic to me. It’s also something I haven’t done much of the last two months with a busy schedule and getting settled in AZ. As I was running I realized what a gift movement really is. While my run wasn’t fast or far … I was able to do it.

Movement is such a huge part of my life - it’s my livelihood. It’s what I choose to do for fun and enjoyment. My pastimes are tennis, dancing, hiking, running and Pilates. It’s also what makes me feel good and keeps me healthy with Pilates and running. I can’t imagine my life without movement. This morning I realized how lucky I am to be able to do the things I do mostly pain free and without issue. I don’t want to take that for granted. It’s not a given.

I wish I had the power to help my friends. While I can’t do that I can treasure what I have and appreciate my movement. This morning I took a few moment during my run to take in the scenario and notice how green the desert is right now. I’d be really sad to not able to find myself out in the middle of this beauty. I am choosing to be grateful for what I have and hopeful for my friends.