
This past July I had the opportunity to join in the teacher training hosted by Shine Pilates for Stott Teacher trainers. I’ve always held Stott’s method in high regard - some even say it’s the Harvard of Pilates schools!

I consider myself a life long learner. And in the world of Pilates I believe that is so important. This information is not set in stone. It evolves and changes as we learn more and better about the body. It wasn’t that long ago that fascia became a topic of interest in the Pilates world and that has changed how we approach movement.

As we get a better understanding of the brain connection and mind body aspect as well -Pilates evolves. Pilates is not like Math … where there is one right answer to the equation. Often times there are several approaches one could take. I’ve always thought of the work I do with different bodies sort of like solving a puzzle. When client presents with low back pain, a new hip, and weak core … how do I solve for that? One size or one class doesn’t fit all! That to me is the beauty and interest of it all!

Going through Pilates training again as a seasoned teacher was a wonderful experience. I reflected back on my first training and how stressed I was about memorizing all the movements, springs, and muscles! This go around I could focus more on the why and the how and explore a little deeper. I felt like I was fine tuning the knowledge I had and reinforcing some of my beliefs as well as stretching others.

As a beginner student I held on tightly to what I learned. What my teacher taught me was right and there was no room for deviation. Through the years, I’ve been exposed to many different teachers, workshops, summits, etc. and I’ve realized there is more than one way. Going into this training with less of a black and white mentality made me more curious and more open to explore.

I share this today in case you too are considering re-learning something. For me it was a totally different and wonderful experience. I was not simply relearning a bunch of Pilates exercises. I had the experience and knowledge to ask different question, explore them in a new way and offer my perspective to our new trainees.

I am so glad I re-educated myself. I encourage you to do the same if it’s something you’ve considered!