Posts tagged phoenix pilates
Injured Reserve

About a week ago, I tried curling for the first time. It was fun and challenging. I love trying new things and having new experiences. If you are not familiar with curling, it takes place on the ice and uses a 40 lb stone slid across the ice. It’s sort of like shuffleboard with a target at the other end and the ability to knock your opponent’s stones out.

During my very first practice throw of the stone, I slide a bit more on the ice than expected and the stone took my arm with it for a bit.

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Nice to Meet You!

I’ve moved a few times and with that comes meeting new people. It can take a while to find friends and create a new social circle. I’m always delighted when a new friend or acquaintance invites me to a get together. It’s a chance to meet more people and get to know this friend better.

I’ve realized these get togethers often go one of two ways.

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Taking my Own Advice!

I say this often to clients … when life gets in the way and busy our workouts are just as important. We need our Pilates sessions to help destress or unwind tight tense muscles. I often find I am so much more productive when I take that hour to myself. I can only go so much before I need some time to reset, focus on myself and move! This week - I really needed to take my own advice!

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