Look Like a Pilates Student!

I have heard more times than I can count the comment, “but I don’t look like a Pilates student.” This usually comes from someone considering whether to try Pilates or not. It comes from someone with limited knowledge of the benefits of Pilates. It certainly comes from someone who doesn’t know what a Pilates student looks like.

So let’s break it down and define with a Pilates student looks like!

A Pilates student may be tall, lean and strong

A Pilates student may be short, heavyset and strong

A Pilates student may be flexible or not flexible at all.

A Pilates student may be coordinated or not coordinated.

A Pilates student may have excellent balance or need to work on balance.

A Pilates student may have defined muscles or seeking muscle definition.

A Pilates student may be a former dancer or gymnast.

A Pilates student may have a neurological condition, walk with a cane, or be confined to a wheelchair.

A Pilates student may be young and active or a senior citizen looking to stay active.

Pilates students come in all shapes and sizes and all fitness levels.

To look like a Pilates student - you simply need to show up to a class or a private and do Pilates!

Pilates is for everybody and the beauty of Pilates is it will meet you at whatever stage of life you are at and work with you. Pilates is meant to be a lifelong partner - keeping you strong, mobile and capable from youth to geriatric.

Don’t let a stereotype of what you think a Pilates student should look like keep you from trying Pilates. Don’t let a fear of not being strong enough or able to do it keep you from trying Pilates. Yes - you can do Pilates! One size does not fit all and your instructor will craft the right level of workout for you at Shine Pilates!

Come Shine with Us and show off your unique Pilates body!