Teacher Training Again!

I have been a certified Pilates teacher for quite a few years. I completed my teacher training back in 2009. Since then I have participated in numerous conferences, workshops, and continuing education opportunities. When you find something you love to do - you don’t mind and even enjoy the continuing education!

I have found that I am a better teacher when I keep learning. I am more motivated. I am inspired, and I learn new things to bring to this studio. I enjoy spending time with my Pilates peers. Finding a group of like-minded people who share the same passion and the same struggles is very comforting and rewarding.

Several months ago, I decided to host Stott Teacher Training at Shine Pilates. I have always held Stott in high regard and have followed and learned from several Stott Certified Instructors. While I am already certified, I decided to join the training, too. Here is are my reasons:

First off - If I am going to ask my instructors to have this certification then I should have it, too! I think there is value in all speaking the same Pilates language and having some similar experience.

Second - it’s been quite a few yeas since I did my Teacher training and who couldn't use a refresher? Sometimes I think we get into habits and default to the same things. Teacher Training is an opportunity to refresh and maybe pick up a new habit or two. I have cues that I like to use but it’s always great to learn a new cue that may connect better with students. Being in a training with 8 others is a perfect opportunity to share ideas and learn from each.

I tell my students that Pilates is a practice and they will always be learning, improving and progressing. The same goes for me as an instructor. There is no finish line in Pllates as a student or a teacher. I’m excited to be refreshed, learn about Stott, and enjoy this process with seven other students and an instructor I’ve followed for several years.