5 Things

Hello! It’s been a while since I started this blog and we have some new folks here so I thought it might be good to share a bit more about me! Here are five things you may or may not know about me!

  1. My interest in fitness began at a young age. I ran track in the 7th grade with my friend Kim. Let’s be clear - I was not a natural! I came in 2nd to last every single race only thanks to my friend Kim who came in last! In my 8th-grade year I returned and a new coach, one of my favorite teachers, helped me unlock my potential. I began winning my races and setting school records. I went on to run track and cross country in high school and college and had school records at both schools!

  2. I discovered Pilates much later but I wish I had known about it when I was running more competitively. 10 years after two major abdominal surgeries I tried Pilates for the first time and couldn’t do half of it. My core was very weak and I had an abdominal separation from my surgeries. Pilates really changed me and provided the rehab I had needed to get my core back. I’m passionate about helping women with similar issues because it’s never too late and it can really change your life!

  3. I was in an abusive marriage about five years ago. As an independent woman and a business owner, I never thought I would fall prey to an abusive man … but I did. I’ve learned so much from that experience and I have often shared my story in the hopes of helping other women. It can be a confusing thing when the person you love and trust turns on you. My story has been shared on a podcast, a magazine article, my blog and I’ve spoken at a few events. If you need someone to talk to - I am here.

  4. I am a dual citizen of France and the USA. I am proud of both of my nationalities. Some of what I love about the french culture is the emphasis on family and a better sense of work-life balance. The wine isn’t bad either!

  5. From a young age, my favorite foods have been shrimp, spinach, and raspberries. I used to ask for spinach and shrimp on my birthday growing up. I don’t really like cake but that doesn’t mean I don’t have a sweet tooth. My interest in food and nutrition lead me to begin Nutrition and Health Coaching School at the Institute for Integrative Nutrition this Fall. I am loving it!