Want vs Should

I was teaching a Pilates class this morning with a group of lovely regular clients. They know me and know I like to joke around a bit to encourage them. I also don’t mind their sarcasm in response! Fitness doesn’t have to be stoic and serious all the time.

I made a comment along the lines of “I know you are going to want to do that series again on the other leg!” My student quickly responded, “Want maybe not but should definitely!” That sparked a quick interaction about how sometimes we have to push ourselves to do the things that are good for us.

Some days I really look forward to my workouts. I can’t wait to get on the reformer and move. I hop out of bed ready to go for a run. But that is not every day. None of us are going to be fully motivated every day. There are times where we slept poorly. There are days where we are distracted or stressed. There are occasions where our body is fatigued. These are the times when having an established routine and schedule will make the difference between doing and not doing.

I am a believer that your movement and self care should be scheduled just like everything else. If you are waiting for time to free up - you will miss more opportunities than you will make. Having a commitment - a scheduled class will get you out the door when maybe the want is lagging a bit but you know deep down you should! I have never had a student tell me after class, “I really wish I had skipped today!” I often hear, however, “I wasn’t feeling it when I got here but I’m so glad I came.” Movement has the power to change our mindset and attitude. Next time you are on the fence maybe the question you should ask yourself is “Should I do this for my body?” not “Do I want to do this today?”