Shine Pilates is TWO

Last week Shine Pilates turned TWO! I can hardly believe it! On many levels the time has flown by. It seems like just yesterday I was signing a lease, crossing my fingers, and hoping for the best! I’m happy to report we’ve had two wonderful years. Lots of friendship have been made, bodies have been changed, back pain alleviated, and so much more! I am beyond grateful to my Lexington Pilates family!

Looking back on the decision to move my studio from Nashville to Lexington made me think about risks versus rewards. It was certainly a risk to leave behind friends and loyal students. I loved and still love Nashville. After seven years, I had a steady clientele of students who were also friends. One never knows if they will find the same thing in a new place. Cultivating strong relationships takes time and opportunity. There is unknown in making a leap and taking a risk. While the hope is for success or a positive outcome, there is always a chance of the opposite. But here’s the thing … I believe the reward is bigger with some risk involved!

It has been a lot of work building a new studio but it has been rewarding every step of the way. Each new client I’ve had the chance to meet and work with has been a little slice of reward. Each student mattered for my goals and success and each student mattered for my personal happiness. I had noticed in Nashville that Pilates seemed to attract really good people - the kind you want to know. I did not know, however, if this was based on my neighborhood, a fluke, or attributable to Pilates. Now in Lexington, I have found once again - Pilates attracts great people - the kind that become your friends. I would not have known that had I not taken the leap.

While you may not be considering opening a new business or making a move to another state, we all are faced with opportunities to take risks. For some it’s changing jobs or choosing to stay home with children after pursing a career. For others it may be trying something new like Pilates. It’s nerve-racking walking into a new place and being the new person. I’ve been in your shoes! Will the group or instructor be welcoming? Will I get it and will they get me? Can I even do this? Will I embarrass myself or hold up the class? These are all valid fears that I have heard and some I have had in the past myself. It’s okay to have these fears but don’t let them stop you from taking the risk. The rewards can be so much more than you can imagine.

I love what I do and much of that is because I get the opportunity to help people be better in so many ways. I often hear from students that they are amazed their posture has improved or their back pain is gone. I also love hearing when a friend or family member comments on how toned the student is becoming. I am thrilled to see friendships develop in the studio. We can all use a little support from time to time! There are times I am along for an emotional journey with a client and watching as Pilates provides stress relief and some balance back into their life is amazing. None of these things would happen however without taking that first risk.

As we celebrate two years of Shine Pilates this month - I hope you will celebrate the risks that you have taken to get where you are. If you are a student at Shine - thank you for taking a risk on me! If you are not currently a student at Shine - maybe it’s time to take a risk and try Pilates!