Get Busy!

I was talking with a few ladies in the studio today and the topic came up of motivation. The ladies both mentioned with all the closings and limited activities they found themselves lacking the motivation to do the things they wanted to do and could do like Pilates. I in contrast have been quite busy with Health & Nutrition Training at IIN, Teacher Training at the Studio, and teaching lots of Pilates. As a result, I have found myself more productive!

It seems like it should be the other way around, right? But hear me out on this one. When you have all the time in the world, there is no pressure to act now or do it now. When you only have small pockets of time, you tend to use those pockets better to get done what needs to get done. How many folks had plans to redo, clean, organize their home, or get in great shape during the shutdown? It probably didn't happen or at least not on the scale you hoped for. The problem is when we have endless time it is easy to put off till the next day and then the next day. The cycle continues … until we get busy again.

So let’s get busy! How do you do that? Commit to some actions, activities, or accomplishments. Set a date and make a schedule. Up your Pilates schedule and map it out for the rest of the year. Give yourself a deadline on a project you’ve been putting off. Stick to it. Learn something new. Create a new habit. Make a to-do list and aim to cross a few things off every day.

I attempt to do one thing that improves my home and one thing that improves myself every day. A typical day could be filing my receipts or vacuuming and then using an exfoliating scrub in the shower. Another day maybe organizing my closet better and going for a walk in the woods. These don’t have to be huge things but little steps add up to big results.

How can you get busy and up your motivation? We have a reformer waiting for you!