Bod Pod!

I tried the Bod Pod! It’s something I’ve been curious about for a while and I finally did it! You can, too!

UK offers the Bod Pod to anyone who wants to make an appointment here:

The test costs just $30 and will take about 15 minutes total from arrival to leaving. A couple things to note before you go: You will want to not eat about 2 hours before the test. You will also need to remove all jewelry. For best results plan to wear either spandex shorts or a bathing suit bottom and sports bra.

You will be measure for your height and weighed as these numbers are added to the calculations. You will be given a swim cap to put on - as hair can trap air giving a false reading. And then it is time to sit in the pod. You will sit in the pod twice - both times for about thirty seconds. That’s it!

The bod pod will give you:

  • % of fat free mass

  • Your body fat %

  • How many pounds of fat you have

  • How many pounds of fat free mass you have

  • Estimated Resting Metabolic Rate

  • Estimated Active Metabolic Rate

I found this information not only interesting but also helpful. Knowing my RMR let’s me know how many calories I need in a day just to survive. For me that number is 1148. Now if we add in activity for the day that number comes to about 2000. I also found my body fat to be within the acceptable range for my gender and age but also a bit higher than I would prefer. This wasn’t a surprise as I know my activity has been down with a foot issue and my diet hasn’t been on point lately. I’ve gained a couple winter pounds … and I’m pretty sure they weren’t muscle! Now having that body fat percentage and number of pounds of fat total - gives me numbers to work against. I am starting to training again for a couple running races and with that comes an improved diet. I plan to retest in a few months and see if I can move those numbers. Re-testing by the way is only $25.

The money raised from these tests go to pay for graduate students in the nutrition department at UK to attend conferences and educational events. That’s something I’m happy to support while I learn more about myself.

Overall I found this experience fun and informative as well as motivating. I’m a goal oriented person and I know have a goal of what I’d like to see my body fat in the future. Stay tuned!!