Essential Work

Lately, there is much talk about essential business and non-essential business. Depending on your Governor, the answers may vary! I’m here to make the case that Pilates is an ESSENTIAL business. Allow me to explain.

This week I saw three clients in particular whose lives have been changed by Pilates. My first client is a lovely lady in her 50’s who came to me with extreme mobility issues, back pain, and hip limitations. Due to these issues and an inability to do what she loved - she was an accomplished triathlete - she’d gained weight. We’ve been working together for a few months now. The improvements she’s made are almost miraculous. The back pain is gone. The range of motion in her hip is significantly improved. She could not tie her right shoe by herself pre-Pilates - now she can. She’s walking regularly now and she’s encouraged by her new leash on movement that has lead to better eating habits and losing 20 lbs. The less visible results are her improved mood and immune system. Pilates gave her hope. Pilates gave her movement. And Pilates gave her back her life. Previously she thought a major surgery was her only answer!

Next, let’s consider a husband and wife duo - both middle-aged and having three back surgeries between them. We’ve been working together for a few weeks now. Schedules got busy and they had to cancel a session. It happens. At our next session, the husband said to me, “Since coming to Pilates my back no longer hurts … but after missing a week my back pain came back.” Pilates is essential for his quality of life. They enjoy their time together in Pilates duets and are both making improvements in their imbalances and rehabbing from their surgeries. They are now able to go for walks together - something that was impossible before due to too much pain.

Finally, I want to share with you about a client of mine who is 85 years old. She regularly comes for two private sessions a week. She’ll skip other social gatherings and will give up outings due to Covid but she won’t miss Pilates! Why? Because with Pilates she feels good and without it, she’s in constant daily pain. We work on her balance so she’ll be stronger and to prevent falls. We work on her core strength and overall strength so she can live independently and do what she needs to do in life. Pilates is essential for her independence and pain-free living!

There are just three of many examples I could share. Some come for a social outlet or a break for the struggles of mom life. Some come for therapy. Some come for accountability and encouragement. Some come for the endorphins. Many are the reasons students depend on Pilates and all of them are essential reasons.

While Pilates is an exercise, it is so much more! Pilates is a mind-body practice that affects mood, breathing, energy, movement, balance, flexibility, immunity, sleep, etc. So whether your pursuits are toning, therapy or community - we see you and we know Pilates is essential to you!