Posts tagged pilates as therapy
Essential Work

Lately, there is much talk about essential business and non-essential business. Depending on your Governor, the answers may vary! I’m here to make the case that Pilates is ESSENTIAL Business. Allow me to explain.

This week I saw three clients in particular whose lives have been changed by Pilates.

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Pilates Q and A with Owner Lucie Becus

I recently met up with Shine Pilates Studio owner, Lucie Bécus to ask her some questions on Pilates. She began discussing with me what Pilates is and what makes her Pilates studio so unique compared to other studios. Some of the questions I asked could be useful to you and maybe something you never even knew! So, let’s see what Lucie had to say.

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All Bodies Welcome Here!

Every time I encounter a new student, I begin by asking about their body. Do they have aches, pains, a past injury, a chronic condition, pregnancy, post-partum or so on. All of these things matter for me to be able to teach the best possible session for them. Pilates is individual. It should be personalized for the body at hand.

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McEntire Pilates Summit

It's been a week since I returned from the McEntire Pilates Summit and I believe I am just now coming back down off the high I've been on from that experience!  This is one of my favorite Pilates workshops/trainings/retreats/communes or whatever you want to call it each year! 

This was my third year attending and my first year PRESENTING!

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