Change Isn't a Four Letter Word

I’m a planner. I love knowing when, where, how much, how long, etc. I take comfort in knowing I am following the plan, meeting my goal, or maybe even exceeding it. My plan holds me accountable. My plan keeps me motivated, and my plan keeps stress to a minimum.

Well, it’s no mystery most of our plans have been thrown out the window lately! My goals and expectations for the studio - not realistic at this moment and I’m not sure when we will get back to where we were last June. I’m not going to pretend it is not frustrating to see the plan interrupted and the goals not met. It is. I’m also not going to dwell there. I am certainly not the only one affected, and I am not the worst affected either. The saying goes “we are all in this together” and that includes the bad stuff, too.

What I have realized through this change, though, are some really positive things. I have really missed and appreciated the work I do. I felt it was my purpose before but I think this pause gave me time to reflect and “choose Pilates” again. When I first began teaching Pilates, I had a full-time job, and I taught because I loved it and not for the money. I never wanted to turn my dream into a job that was just about a paycheck. I don’t believe I’ve ever stopped loving Pilates but sometimes I’ve fallen into a rut a bit with the day to day of running a business. This break showed me I’d teach Pilates for free … and I did posting lots of free videos on YouTube. This break reminded me why I do what I do.

I had the opportunity to create videos for friends - to meet their requests. I was reminded this is what I love about Pilates - the problem-solving aspect. That hasn’t changed but my delivery changed for a period. I was reminded of how much gratification I get from knowing and seeing what I do is improving someone else’s life.

When the studio reopens next week - I anticipate fewer students. We’ve made some changes to be ready and safe for you and for us! Even with the anticipated continued hit to our revenue, it doesn’t change the fact I get to help people, problem-solve for them, and do what I love.

During this change, I’ve been reminded of how much running really is my outlet, my therapy, and a necessitate in my life. I began running more with more free time, and I’ve enjoyed it. I ran for joy, not for Strava or a race! I’m going to make sure to make time in my schedule to keep running 4 to 5 days a week. It feels good to be not only Pilates strong but also running strong!

This change has brought me closer to some friends, students, and neighbors in a way I don’t know that I would have been without it. I really have enjoyed the friendly exchanges with my neighbors. The texts to and from students, and the walks with girlfriends. I want this change to continue! I will make the effort to continue this change.

In any change, there is an opportunity if you look for it. Take the first day or so if you need to get all the grumbles and negative out. Then look for the opportunity. My studio may not be as full … but the right students who need me and fulfill me will be there. In time we’ll grow again. My time may not be as free as it was during quarantine or as busy as it was this time last year … but I’ll use that opportunity to run, do Pilates, and see my friends.

Change doesn’t have to be a four-letter word if you look for the opportunity it presents!