Posts tagged mat pilates
Finding My Core

If you have taken a Pilates class, watched a Pilates video, or even tried a variety of other exercises, you will often hear the phrase “Engage your core.” I believe often times the things we hear over and over again we tend to tune out, unfortunately. If we have heard it 15 times before and didn't get the concept then, we certainly aren’t getting it now!

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Reformed Perfectionist

When I was in grade school through high school, I was a perfectionist. I labored intensely on my projects, I did the extra credit assignments, and volunteered to help out the teacher. Yeap – that person! Grades were important to me and getting the best grade – even more important to me. I also ran track and cross country. Breaking and setting school records was the goal there. And I achieved it.

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Television Arms!

Last fall, I created a created a serious of videos called 'Television Arms'.  That may not sound like a good thing but actually, it is! This is my simple, do while watching TV, arm series that will take you no more than about 10 minutes. In the videos, I don't do as many repetitions as you can do ... Instagram limits videos to 1 minute.  

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