Stay the Course

It’s hard to believe it is already December and the holidays will be here soon! I love the holidays but it can also be a time were we drift from our regular workout routine. Whether you have kids or not, this is a busy time of year. Some go into winter hibernation and then there are lots of events and parties galore for others! Please enjoy it but don’t give up your fitness and wellness routine.

Since this is how I make my living, you may assume I want you to keep coming to class so I can keep the lights on! That, however, is not my main reason for asking you to stay the course. I’ve seen it year after year … what begins with a missed class here and there, then becomes a series of missed classes and finally no classes. Time goes by and eventually students return, usually because their back is acting up again, their knee is in pain again, the weight has crept back on, they don’t feel good in their clothes, or they just don’t have the energy they had while doing Pilates. Let’s face it – Pilates makes you feel good! Not doing Pilates doesn’t. It’s not fun getting back in shape. It’s not fun feeling aches and pains again. We also tend to beat ourselves up for sliding backwards. Physically, emotionally, and often socially because we have fun and friends in Pilates … we suffer when we fall off the wagon.

Schedule your workouts. Let your friends and families know this is a priority. Invite them to join you! I have found when I explain to friends in a non-apologetic way (because why should you apologize for taking care of yourself?) that I’d love to meet up but need to make it a bit later after I get in my Pilates session in it is not a problem. There are also days, I have to get up a bit earlier if I want to get in a run. If I make it a priority it happens. If I wait for the calendar to magically open up it doesn’t.

This Winter do yourself a favor and stay the course. Months from now – you’ll thank me!