Posts tagged lexington ky
We have a Winner!!

PIlates wins and Stress is bad for everyone! If you thought I was going to tell you who won the election - that answer is still undetermined and maybe for a while! This may be a source of great stress for you and that stress is not doing any of us any good. Maybe your concerns are Covid, schooling your kids, your business, finances, or illness … it’s all stress and it’s doing a number on our bodies. Our bodies are not meant to exist in constant stress. It actually impacts our immune systems and makes us more susceptible to illness.

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Consistency Really is Key!

One of the most common questions I am asked by new students at Shine Pilates is “How often should I workout?” While there is no one simple answer to this you do need to consistent. When I am talking to students, we take into consideration where they are at physically now, what else they may be doing, time constraints, and budget as well. At the end of the day - whether it’s 3 times a week or more or less - being consistent I tell them is what leads to results. How do I know this … because I’ve lived it, too!

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A Month of New!

It’s a weird time and it can feel a bit monotonous. Vacations aren’t happening as much, events are canceled and there isn’t much to look forward, too. I needed some inspiration. I needed some new. I needed something to look forward to this Summer. I decided to take the month of July and challenge myself to do something new every day! It’s been a lot of fun going to new places, trying new things, and pushing myself out of my comfort zone. I just may continue this into August because I’ve enjoyed it so much.

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