Posts tagged stress relief
Healthy Body, Healthy Mind, Happy Life!

Times are weird, it can be hard to handle it all. We are all living in an environment we haven’t been before; it’s hard to know proper etiquette or where to find guidance in a world with many different information sources. Between the unpredicted nature of the pandemic, combined with the need to return back to a somewhat normalcy, it can be hard to find a balance that keeps you feeling sane and healthy. As I talked about in a previous blog post, finding a routine is something that can really help you find stable ground in times that have possibly been more stressful than normal. In addition to routine, regular exercise (especially Pilates!) is another great tool that can benefit your mind and body. I’m sure we’ve all felt it; we aren’t feeling our best but letting off steam through working out helps more than we initially realize!

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Staying Healthy and Sane!

It’s always important to stay healthy but now more than ever attention is being drawn to what can we do to protect ourselves from any illness. We all know the obvious first step - wash your hands. There are other strategies to consider as well. Keeping your stress down is key, too! Here are some things to consider to live your healthiest life during a trying time:

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