Mind Body Connection

Lately, I’ve been learning the game of tennis. I’ve been taking lessons and working on my serve. This motion is so foreign to me. Serving is not a natural motion. While I understand the physics of it, my body is trying all kinds of cheats to make it easier. Thank goodness for videos because I can see what I am doing wrong.

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This week I had my final session … for now with one of my snowbirds. She’ll be back in the Fall but it’s time for her to return to Wisconsin. When she came to me she explained her circumstances. After retiring with the goal of golfing more, she unfortunately has been plagues with many issues and several surgeries. All of this had left her not able to golf.

As with any new client it’s a bit of trial and error figuring out what works and what doesn’t. I look at it like a puzzle.

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Like most of you - I have high expectations for myself. I want to succeed and achieve my goals. This can be a great quality when it comes to working hard, following a plan, and succeeding in life. It is also something that needs to be kept in check when learning something new. It’s not realistic to try something new and be a pro!

That is where our expectations don't match reality.

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Always Pilates

I love Pilates because of how it makes me feel and how it prepares me for all the other things I want to do. I spend my days in the studio preaching good posture, use of the core, engaging abdominal muscles and more. It’s something I am passionate about because I’ve seen the results in myself and so many others. Given this - it might surprise you to know I have realized lately, I wasn’t taking my own advice!

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What Pilates has given me!

It’s Thanksgiving weekend and I’ve had some time to take a deep breath or two and relax. I always find Thanksgiving to be a time of contemplation. It’s a time to take stake of what is good and appreciate the opportunities, people, and accomplishments in my life.

This Thanksgiving has me thinking about what Pilates has done for me.

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