Posts in Pilates Continuing Ed.
McEntire Pilates Summit

It's been a week since I returned from the McEntire Pilates Summit and I believe I am just now coming back down off the high I've been on from that experience!  This is one of my favorite Pilates workshops/trainings/retreats/communes or whatever you want to call it each year! 

This was my third year attending and my first year PRESENTING!

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Summer Goals

This past weekend was just about perfect. Sunny, warm, clear skies and some free time to soak it all in. When the weather is like this, I just want to get moving and feel motivated to do more! It's an ideal time to think about some Summer goals!

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Teaching the Teacher!

This past weekend I had the opportunity to travel to Chicago and attend a Pilates workshop with Carrie Pages at Tensile Strength Studio. I've met Carrie before and we follow each other on Instagram. She's truly a delightful person to be around and has been teaching Pilates for almost two decades.

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