I love a goal! I love crossing goals off my to-do list. What I don’t love? When I don’t meet my goal on the timeline I expect! It happens and more often than not. It doesn’t mean I’ve failed or I should give up, though. It just means it’s going to take a little longer.
Read MorePilates was a first for me, but there is a first for everything right? I learned so much about my body and the different muscles we don’t even know we have. It’s nerve-racking at first, but once you start to get the hang of what you are doing you begin to really enjoy it!
Read MoreThe goal of working out is often to make muscles and to get stronger. It can also be to tone those muscles. For some it’s about looking better. For others it’s about feeling better. Regardless, what the pursuit - engaging muscles is at the core of working out.
Read MoreI love chips and guacamole! I love salsa, too. I’m not one to discriminate when it comes to tortilla chips. The hard thing is my body does not like corn. I have a high sensitivity to corn. Gluten is also out for me … so flour chips don’t work either. Ugh.
Read MoreI’m a planner. I love knowing when, where, how much, how long, etc. I take comfort in knowing I am following the plan, meeting my goal, or maybe even exceeding it. My plan holds me accountable. My plan keeps me motivated, and my plan keeps stress to a minimum.
Read MoreDid you start off quarantine with some pretty hefty goals? Was this ‘opportunity’ going to make you your healthiest? I know set some pretty high goals for myself and discounted the effects a pandemic might have on my mood, motivation, and emotions.
Read MoreCanceled! That’s a word we are seeing a lot these days. Keeneland - canceled. Kentucky Derby - canceled. the Chris Stapelton and Willie Nelson Concert - canceled. This morning I received an email informing me the Lululemon Sea Wheeze half marathon in August is canceled! I’m writing this blog on April 29th … three and a half months before the date of the race. This is becoming our new norm.
Read MoreI started this blog two weeks into Quarantine with the intent of updating you all every few weeks. I was winning at quarantine! And then I hit a wall. And I stopped updating this blog. I’ve talked to many of you and you too have had the same roller coaster of going going doing good and then crash not doing good. I think it is very normal and we can’t expect to be sailing through this strange time. For me the not knowing of when will this end, when will we reopen the studio, what will business look like then is what brings me crashing down from time to time.
Read MoreFor must of us it’s been at least a month and you may be running out of tv shows to watch. The novelty of sleeping late is wearing off. Maybe you are out of books to read, too. Now what?
Here’s a list of quarantine activities for you to do:
Read MoreIf you have taken a Pilates class, watched a Pilates video, or even tried a variety of other exercises, you will often hear the phrase “Engage your core.” I believe often times the things we hear over and over again we tend to tune out, unfortunately. If we have heard it 15 times before and didn't get the concept then, we certainly aren’t getting it now!
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