Every time I encounter a new student, I begin by asking about their body. Do they have aches, pains, a past injury, a chronic condition, pregnancy, post-partum or so on. All of these things matter for me to be able to teach the best possible session for them. Pilates is individual. It should be personalized for the body at hand.
Read MoreI like to think of myself as still young and active despite the age that appears on my birthday cards each year. I think of age as more of a mindset. We all know people our age who seem so much older than us! We also know folks who seem to never age. (That’s the group I want to join!)
I do believe in many ways you are only as old as you feel. Joseph Pilates said, “If your spine is inflexibly stiff at 30, you are old. If it is completely flexible at 60, you are young.”
Read MoreWe are so excited to be the exclusive provider in Lexington of the latest advancement in movement… The non-movement movement. Science coupled with ancient practices of meditation and visualization have come together to deliver results like you’ve never seen before. The non-movement movement is offered at Shine Pilates this April 1.
Read MoreI was hanging out with a friend the other day and the conversation of the studio, my goals, and such came up. My friend said to me “You are a Badass!” I was a little taken aback because that’s not how I’ve ever described myself! I was also very grateful for the compliment and at the same time not sure I was worthy of it.
Read MoreI am a big believer in the little things adding up! Finding time to do a plank in the morning or walking for 1o minutes here and there all count. Extra is always a good thing in these cases.
Sometimes, however, I think folks let their extra credit replace their workout! It’s easy to do. You have a busy day. You rationalize you did some planks in the morning. You’ll do better tomorrow… or will you? Soon enough you are having more days of just a few minutes of exercise and fewer days of quality workouts! Sound familiar??
Read MoreWhen I opened my first Pilates Studio in Nashville, I began small and limited my risks. I wasn’t sure if this little dream of mine would work! At the time, Pilates was not very popular in Nashville. When I first moved to Nashville in 2009, I tried a few places - no longer there - and found both to be lack luster, not very effective and to be frank disappointing. Fortunately, that is no longer the case … but starting a new studio when the perception of Pilates is ‘meh’ was an uphill battle to climb.
Read MoreBetween Christmas and New Years, I had the opportunity to do online training, continuing education, and to catch up on reading articles/watching videos about Pilates I had been saving for some time. I spent time learning more about influential people in the Pilates industry like Mari Winsor and Rael Isacowitz. It was interesting to learn how they found Pilates, where they trained, and how they grew their business. It was also interesting to hear their perspectives on Pilates, teaching philosophies, and the method as a whole.
Read MoreThere are infinite reasons to try Pilates but today we are just going to focus on the top ten!
1. Breathing – Most of us do it everyday! Did you know however the diaphragm can be made stronger with Pilates? Stronger breath control means you’ll get winded less often and do a better job of suppling oxygen to your working muscles during a strenuous activity.
Read MoreDoctor’s are required to take the Hippocratic Oath which states that they should “Do No Harm”. To best of my knowledge and recollection with my Pilates certification there is no such requirement. But maybe there should be?
Read MoreIn the beginning of my Pilates training, I focused on learning more movements and sequencing on the equipment. Next I focused on a deeper understanding of the body and anatomy. That learning lead me to do specialized training in chronic conditions, rehab related work, pre and post- natal and rehab/injury recovery.
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