Same Old Same Old?

There is an age old fitness question that I thought I’d touch on today!

Should you do the same workout religiously, constantly perfecting and growing in strength or is it better to challenge the body with different exercises?

My answer may sound a bit like a politician – it’s good to do both. The beauty of Pilates is we can cover both bases in a Pilates class. Let me explain!

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It's a Process

True confessions I’m a Pilates Teacher, and I still can’t do a perfect roll up. I’ve been working on it for years, and I’ve made progress but I’m not where I want to be yet. It’s frustrating at times. I should be able to do this effortlessly at this point shouldn’t I? I have students nail it in three tries!

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Physical Therapy and Pilates!

It’s becoming more and more common to see a Pilates Reformer in a Physical Therapy office. I think that is wonderful! After all Joseph Pilates began rehabilitating injured soldiers during the war and then later working with injured ballerinas. Pilates is rooted in finding symmetry in the body and creating balance where there is imbalance.

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What Can Pilates Do for YOU??

There are plenty of ways to workout or burn a few calories so what makes Pilates special? What can Pilates really do for you that another fitness class can't?

For starters - Pilates is so much more than a 'fitness class'.  Will you get fit - yes but that is just the beginning of the changes you'll see with Pilates. Joseph Pilates said "In 10 sessions you feel different. In 20 sessions you see the difference and in 30 sessions you'll have a whole new body." That's a pretty bold claim and yet I see it happen again and again in my studio.

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Footwork on the Bar

Whether you call it double leg work, footwork on the reformer or any other name, it’s an important part of Pilates. Often performed at the beginning of class, but it should not be mistaken as ‘just the warmup’ phase. Footwork on the bar can show us and teach us many important lessons if we tune in and let it.

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Too much, Too little!

I recently had some of my college girlfriends visit for the weekend. We had a wonderful time catching up, eating out, throwing axes, eating out, going to a cookout, walking the arboretum and … eating out! Are you seeing a theme for the weekend?? Let’s face it social time is often wrapped around eating. One of my girlfriends said after I ate a piece of Kentucky Chocolate, “If Lucie eats it then it must be okay!” While I am flattered she feels that way about my choices, I thought it might be time for some real talk!

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Vacation To Do List

Everyone deserves and needs a vacation and Summer time is a great time to get away. Vacations allow us to unplug, disconnect, and refresh. Checking out of your daily routine from time to time also allows us to check back in with more vigor and enthusiasm. Simply put vacations are good for our emotional and mental health.

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Finding Motivation

I enjoy working out. I love Pilates. I love running. But some days I just don't feel like it! Not every day do I bounce out of bed and feel like moving. Most days I do but occasionally I'm tired, burned out, stressed or just plain lacking motivation. Here are my go to motivators for those days:

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Let's talk about SORE

People repeat it, believe it and live it. But … as a former advertising and marketing person I’m hear to tell you just because it’s catchy and repeated …doesn’t make it true! Anybody remember how eggs were bad for us for a while … all due to marketing? And Snackswells was a health food … all due to marketing. (Side note- I don’t even want to think about how many Snackswells pudding cups I consumed in the 90’s thinking I was eating healthy!!!)

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