This weekend I did a 3 mile race at the World Wilderness Zoo. I used to race several times a year. Thanks to Covid and races being canceled, it’s been almost 2 years since I have competed. I have been competing in races since I was in the 7th grade and it is something I enjoy. Even so the day before the race, the little voice in my head started coming up with reasons I should just skip it!
Read MoreI left a fairly long and successful career in advertising and marketing to open my first studio. I was teaching Pilates and Spinning on the side but I knew I wanted to do more Pilates and less Advertising. It’s been over a decade since I made that leap and my reason why continues to grow.
Read MoreThe other day I was dealing with something stressful that was weighing heavy on my mind. What it is is not relevant and it’s been resolved but we all can have mood affecting, stressful times in our lives. Whether it’s a relationship issue, health issue or work issue, It’s hard to shut that off and focus on what you are doing.
Read MoreIf you have been to Shine Pilates, you have probably noticed the large clock on the wall. You may have also noticed that it doesn’t work. It’s set to 5 o’clock because one of my students felt it should be “5 o’clock somewhere!”.
Read MoreMyth: Some people are born with better balance than others
Truth: No one is born with balance! It’s a skill we learn and need to work to maintain. Anyone can have good balance with al little work!
Read MoreThis is one of the most common questions I get asked in a Pilates session - what spring should I be on. While we have guidelines for movements - the answer really is “It depends!”
Read MoreWhen I stumbled upon Pilates or more accurately was dragged by a friend, I realized very quickly the benefits to my body. I didn’t totally understand how this was different than the others activities I was doing. I was a runner, I lifted weights, I taught spinning and jumped at the chance to do most active fun events like canoe, boating, biking, etc. As I saw my body transforming in a very short period of time, I became intrigued. I wanted to know the why and the how of Pilates. It was only a few short months after my first class that I signed up for teacher training to learn more!
Read MoreFor the past two weeks I’ve been eating gluten … something I don’t normally do. I have had digestive issues for half of my life and even a few surgeries as a result. I’ve been on a quest to heal myself. Quite frankly it’s one of the reasons I wanted to go to the Institute for Integrative Nutrition and become a health and nutrition coach.
Read MoreDo you want to know the one piece of homework I give my students the most? Practice Breathing! It sounds rather silly. We all breath every day effortlessly without thinking about it.
Read MoreThis past July I had the opportunity to join in the teacher training hosted by Shine Pilates for Stott Teacher trainers. I’ve always held Stott’s method in high regard - some even say it’s the Harvard of Pilates schools!
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