With any change we make there is going to be a give and a get. If you decide to take up a morning walk - you are going to give up some free time in the morning but you will get more energy, more fit and a better circadian rhythm.
Read MoreThe other day I went to climb the Victory Stairs in Verrado. It’s 300 plus stairs into the side of a mountain. When you are standing at the bottom it can look very foreboding! It’s a lot of stairs! In reality it took me less than 10 minutes to climb those stairs. And looking down from the top … it sure looked a lot less intimidating. I am not going to say it was a piece of cake but it was less challenging than I had made it out to be in my mind!
Read MoreYou are coming to Pilates regularly and putting in the work. Maybe you also get up early and walk several mornings a week. You feel stronger but the weight isn’t falling off like you’d like. The scale hasn’t budged as much as you think it should.
Read MoreWe know we need to keep moving to keep healthy and fit. We also should know by now we need to use our muscles regularly.. You can’t build them and be done with it. Use it or lose it is more accurate to say! You may work harder in the beginning to get fit and then can taper back a bit to stay fit, but you can’t just quit when you get there. Muscles are meant to be moved and used.
Read MoreTimes are weird, it can be hard to handle it all. We are all living in an environment we haven’t been before; it’s hard to know proper etiquette or where to find guidance in a world with many different information sources. Between the unpredicted nature of the pandemic, combined with the need to return back to a somewhat normalcy, it can be hard to find a balance that keeps you feeling sane and healthy. As I talked about in a previous blog post, finding a routine is something that can really help you find stable ground in times that have possibly been more stressful than normal. In addition to routine, regular exercise (especially Pilates!) is another great tool that can benefit your mind and body. I’m sure we’ve all felt it; we aren’t feeling our best but letting off steam through working out helps more than we initially realize!
Read MoreI asked members of the Shine Pilates community why they love Pilates and why they love Shine Pilates and every answer had a similar point of view. People love the way Pilates makes them feel and the mind-body connection it gives them. They love Shine Pilates because of the community you share with others when your there.
Read MoreWe have all hit that point where we think giving up would be easiest, but I am here to tell you that there are plenty of ways to keep yourself motivated when it comes to working out. Whether it be because of kids, work, school, etc., you shouldn’t let yourself give up when the going gets tough, because that is when the tough get going.
Read MoreConsistency has a lot to do with Pilates, just as it does with practically anything else. If you want your body to learn something new then you have to be consistent with it. The muscles you work during Pilates need to be trained in order to become more flexible and balanced. After taking your first class, you should immediately sign up for your next one!
Read MoreI recently met up with Shine Pilates Studio owner, Lucie Bécus to ask her some questions on Pilates. She began discussing with me what Pilates is and what makes her Pilates studio so unique compared to other studios. Some of the questions I asked could be useful to you and maybe something you never even knew! So, let’s see what Lucie had to say.
Read MoreI love a goal! I love crossing goals off my to-do list. What I don’t love? When I don’t meet my goal on the timeline I expect! It happens and more often than not. It doesn’t mean I’ve failed or I should give up, though. It just means it’s going to take a little longer.
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